I was at a Sams Club over the wkend and was in the restroom washing my hands, when I heard some guy in one of the stalls carrying on (sounded like he was in labor) when he apparently finished his business and burst out of the stall and bolted for the exit, bypassing that pesky hand washing ordeal. Lack of proper hygiene is a significant contributer to the spread of this and other diseases. I had to resist grabbing this guy by the ear leading him back to the sink. Of course, I didn't want to touch him so...
That guy in the restroom at Sam’s club could be the guy that prepares your salad at the restaurant. It’s disgusting!
A doctor discussing this on FNC this morning said that the super-bug (MRSA) can live on inanimated objects for weeks! He recommended hand sanitizer and hand washing to be safer. (Which I do all the time. Go figure.)