Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
The rights go to the party that has the lawyer and that’s usually the father. Every divorced dad I’ve heard whine about his ill-treatment at the hands of the court has been a narcissist and a paranoid. Alec Baldwin is a classic case. I don’t know a single divorced mom who wouldn’t welcome a break from her children if she thought they were generally safe, physically and emotionally, in their dad’s care. Significant numbers of fathers are too damaging emotionally to have unsupervised time with their children. I call these men Alcoholics Without the Chemicals. They need the children to constantly reassure them of their love, admiration, and exclusive attachment. Children of such fathers will carry the same psychological time bombs as children of chemical addicts. Since narcissists only respond to boundaries set by authority figures—like judges—the courts are the really the only means of enforcing the child’s right to competent parenting. I see no persecution of fathers in the law or the courts, merely a statutory bias in favor of the primary caregiver and the children. If that’s unfair then we need more bias of this kind.