I don’t follow the comings and goings of Dr. Barrett, I know of that site because it’s easy to remember.
Chiropractic is quackery, many chiro’s are totally off the reservation in regards to childhood immunization and ANY kind of NORMAL pharmaceutical drugs.
They make fantastic claims, kind of like the sentence full of NUTTERY YOU claim as benefits of chiropractic.
MANY chiropractors still use the old con man trick of your one leg is longer than the other. I and many REFORMED Chiropractors know what chiropractic can and can’t do, you seem to have drunk deeply from the Kool-Aid.
The elder and original chiropractor of the family full of them (both his daughters became chiros) was resigned to what his field was. He became the king of medicare chiro in the Bronx, assembly line chiro, crack, crack, crack, NEXT! 3 days a week, the amount of patients he saw would boggle your mind.
Chiropractic has no magical side benefits, can not cure liver disease, cancer, why stop there if you go to enough chiros they will claim to cure ANYTHING, they all make WILDLY SPECIOUS claims.
It is up to THEM to prove these claims, you know that pesky little science part. Instead CHIROPRACTORS and their duped lackeys claim CONSPIRACY! by the Medical Industry, CONSPIRACY! by big pharma and CONSPIRACY! against the insurers who don’t ascribe to their MEDIEVAL practice.
You’re simply willfully ignorant.
The evidence has been out there for over 50 years. Drugs kill; vaccinations kill infants and the infirm.
All diseases are cured by proper diet, and not one is cured by drugs.
You and Barrett are like peas in a pod.