The bill description states (in full and verbatim)...
“This bill would, commencing January 1, 2010, expand the definition of unsafe handgun to include semiautomatic pistols that are not designed and equipped with a microscopic array of characters that identify the make, model, and serial number of the pistol, etched into the interior surface or internal working parts of the pistol, and that are transferred by imprinting on each cartridge case when the firearm is fired.”
How does microstamping INCREASE SAFETY?
Will they now ban files, since microstamping can be defeated with a 2 dollar metal file?
Even if it wears down through a lot of use, it would be unreadable. Therefore, you will be charged as a criminal or at least have the gun confiscated.
Another nail in the coffin.
confiscation through regulation.
abolishing the second amendment by burdens.
For the time being, they only want to ban the guns, but you can keep the files. They'll get back to you later if the files are also banned.
No, just as they never banned hacksaws that could be used to make sawed-off-shotguns. It takes a more sophisticated argument to defeat this kind of legislation.
I think I know the answer to number two.