Some 7000 voters out of 169,000,000 is not a very substantial number and not even big when compared to the 2,240,000 who watched the debate.
We've ALL been "FREEPING" poles since I've been around Freerepublic (which is about eight years under my old name). I've just changed to being a Paul supporter since this last debate and it amazes me how much some hate this man. He has the strictest, Constitutionalist message in our Grand Ole Party and for some reason our party hates him for that. That makes me wonder if the Republican party has drifted too far to the left from where I, and Ron Paul, stand.
Well, is that a surprise from a bunch of nutjobs, 19th century protectionists, and Stormfront asshats ( Of course they have no life. Who would want to share one with these psychotic freaks?
No life? These guys are screwing with the next election big time; this is basically criminal. My feeling is there is somebody in Paul’s pocket who is a whiz at bombing these polls and websites.