Heard where? All we have so far is misunderstanding from another thread where it was described that the GPs gave to a daycare center that got named after them. If you have actual information about a donation, please present it. Otherwise you are perpetuating a rumor started at this forum.
It is still a good, um, avenue to investigate.
Isn’t it odd that the GP’s gave to a day care center, enough to get named after themselves and, what, none to their grandkids?
Anyways, another thought about Mr. Wood Hippie. So, he pulls in, supposedly, 25k per year. (No cash work out of the Ye Old Hippie wood shop, right)
So, he buys the building, equipment, he has insurance, heat, light yada, yada, yada and he pays himself 25K. Is that because the bidness made udels, and he plowed the corporate profits back into paying off the building fast? Like maybe a ten year payback? Mean while Snuffy Cab Driver is paying extra taxes to pick up the tab of our Wood Hippie because he is well educated, sophisticated and is using simple shelters to drive his income down?
Nah. Fugehdabouit!