I agree. If Dobson endorsed Hunter, his poll numbers would start going up past McCain, Paul, Tancredo, Huckabee etc.
” If Dobson endorsed Hunter, his poll numbers would start going up past McCain, Paul, Tancredo, Huckabee, etc.”
It’s true, but he’s not going to do that.
Basically, we on the right must agree to disagree on the primary level and stand together on the national level. We are otherwise self-defeating. In-fighting will result in another Clinton in the White House.
Let’s debate without argument or attack and accept the result of the primaries.
I want to be rich and thin, but I’m not. I accept that. I want Duncan Hunter, but I’ll vote for the nominee.
BS. If dobson endorsed Hunter, no one would notice-- outside the fringes of this forum and a few other rarefied enclaves.