You’ve got that right. Hannity is such a paperweight.
Rush I understand ,But Hannity is the most overated of the Bunch ,the guy makes my hair hurt
Although I'm not going to plunge into the "Sean Hannity is an annoying lightweight" donnybrook, if you are lurking, Sean, then please take the following criticism to heart:
You have a nasty habit of asking a person a question and then interrupting the person before he or she has a chance to finish their answer. Its bad enough when you do this to people with whom you disagree. But you repeatedly did this to Justice Thomas, and as a result, you were both unitentionally disrespectful and down right annoying. Go back and watch the Steve Croft interview with Justice Thomas and then compare his interview with yours. What should be obvious is that Croft gave Thomas the time to fully answer each question and then take a breath before Croft moved on to the next question. Croft clearly let Justice Thomas dictate the pace of the interview, whereas you were like an child constantly trying to interject yourself into an adult conversation. (Yes, I realize that Croft's interview is heavily edited, but if we were to edit your interruptions out of the Thomas interview, I'm afraid there wouldn't be much left.)