“You falsely accused me of trying to censor you and members of your cabal. Now you falsely accuse me of making empty allegations. The ping list and your groups continued anti Mormon postings are evidence of your cabal.”
This is just too funny. The only reason to use the word “cabal” in a serious discussion is to imply there is a group of people worthy of censure or excommunication:
1. a small group of secret plotters, as against a government or person in authority.
2. the plots and schemes of such a group; intrigue.
So let me translate what you are saying. You said:
“You falsely accused me of trying to censor you and members of your cabal.”
What that is equivalent to saying is [You falsely accused me of trying to censor you and members of your ‘small group of secret plotters, as against a government or person in authority.’]
Only the exceptionally dull of wit would not recognize that as a call for censure. It would be like saying “I am not for censoring people who must be censored.” I mean, how long can you avoid realizing how weak are your arguments?
“The concept of something that doesn’t exist is entirely distinct from the subject. Do you understand what a symbol is?”
Apparently I understand a lot better than you. You just said God is the null set. Then you said God does not exist. Therefore what you just implied is the null set does not exist, which invalidates your original definition. It’s this kind of sloppy thinking that permeates your discussions.
You must have dementia. I have called repeatedly for your exposure. I want you to espouse your beliefs. How can I belittle you if you are censored? Shining the light of truth on you is the best way to expose you for what you are.
Apparently I understand a lot better than you. You just said God is the null set. Then you said God does not exist. Therefore what you just implied is the null set does not exist, which invalidates your original definition. Its this kind of sloppy thinking that permeates your discussions.
If I said that Leprechauns were a null set would that mean that Leprechauns exist? LOL You really need to take a course in logic.
Gadianton Robbers - clever little cabal.