Some aspects of Halloween are good. Others are sick.
Come costumes are good and fun for kids. The candy and parties are good and fun for kids.
The fixation on death, skeletons, ghosts is sick. The slash “Freddie” movies and TV shows are sick. The fake graves on some peoples’ front lawns are sick. The bloody gruesome costumes are sick.
Not all aspects of American popular culture are good and worth saving.
It’s our fault for emphasizing the sick aspects of this yearly celebration. It’s too late to turn it into a purely fun, healthy thing.
Christmas is coming. THAT needs to be defended from the onslaught by the head-chopping savages and the atheistic left.
Adults are the ones into the grue. There is big business in costume parties for adults. But decades ago, costume parties were more of a year-round thing, not just Halloween.