I still think Rush is able to take care of himself. Let’s watch and see. :)
I would rather the Senate used my tax dollars on doing something more useful than slamming each other over nonsense.
I LIKE the Demwits looking sooo stupid on the senate floor.
Hope they keep it up!
"[S]omething more useful"?
What would be "more useful than slamming each other over nonsense." in this instance? Keeping in mind that doing that is pretty much their job description lately.
I hope Rush keeps it up until they go on his show to talk man-to-man about this for a few more weeks. And no GOLF game days off until it's over. This is good. Invite Ann Coulter down to participate in this stuff too. She's funny. Laura Ingraham too. She's funny. Michelle Malkin, Mike Savage, Mike Medved, Dennis Prager, Hugh Hewitt, etc, etc. Too many to name. Keep this up. Rush isn't going to be a quitter on this one.
Let's debate publicly what these "Democrats" said in the House and Senate for a whole month or two about the U.S. military for the last few years. They asked for it. So give them what they asked for.