To: Altura Ct.
For the broadband challenged, anyone wanna post a summary of what happened?
3 posted on
10/02/2007 2:29:25 PM PDT by
(No, I don't use sarcasm tags - it confuses people.)
To: kingu
The site must be busy. I keep getting “loading” but never get a peek.
5 posted on
10/02/2007 2:33:13 PM PDT by
To: kingu
Wow, a vet on a mission walks up, lowers the flags, cuts loose the American flag, drops the Mexican flag on the sidewalk, goes to the news camera and states his name, says he’s not giving the flag back and marches off with it. Brave man!
13 posted on
10/02/2007 2:39:30 PM PDT by
(Equal justice for U.S. citizens!)
To: kingu
The U.S. Flag was being flown BELOW the Mexican flag. A U.S. Army vet with a bayonet knife lowered the two flags, cut them loose and took the American flag with him, leaving the Mexican rag (flag) on the sidewalk.
He commented to the effect that this is HIS Country, and he won't allow it's flag to be desecrated and will FIGHT anyone who wants to argue about it.
Good man!
16 posted on
10/02/2007 2:40:06 PM PDT by
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