If anything, it’s worse. Read The New York Times, which most Americans consider the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth. Conservatism is a thoroughly discredited ideology. Republicans have major ethical troubles; Democrats have already certified the most ethical Congress in history and haven’t had a scandal in decades. The Distinguished Junior Senator to the Great State of New York, Her Most Extremely Eternally Exalted Elite Eminent Thighness Hillary Rodham Clinton is the Next President of the United States of America and may win 400 or 500 or more electoral votes. The American people as voiced through CBS, ABC, NBC, Reuters, MSNBC, and numerous other news outlets have rejected the Republican Party, folks.
Our goal as the Republican Party now is to try to cultivate candidates for local and state races where it is not terminally impolitic to do so. We must purge the party constantly of every unethical character and operate strictly within the standards and expectations that the Democrats demand of us, maintaining the unspoken rule that the rules never apply to them. When our operatives make public pronouncements, they cannot offend any Liberal or Democrat, or otherwise seem inappropriate in the slightest even when taken from context of the implications of the thought are discerned by Democrats.
Our nation is doomed to two or three quadrennia under the wonders of the Clinton political machine. If we stealthily adopt the vocabulary of the American people as expressed through their enemies within the United States, then perhaps we can muster the political wherewithal to recapture a few House or Senate seats or even the Presidency in 2020 or 2024. If America still exists then, albeit as a severely destitute, dispirited, and dispossessed people doomed to draconian economic constraints and completely confiscatory expropriation rates. Perhaps even then, if we are lucky, we yet might earn a few thousand dollars a year through our terrible toils and keep a few pennies on each dollar to expend on a starvation diet in a price-inflated depressed economy as we occupy barren caves heated only through the bodies of our compatriots.
I am sorry, but since you started with a stupid and incorrect statement like, there is no need to debate with you anymore.
Good God! That's one of the most idiotic posts in recent memory. MOST AMERICANS find the NY Times a leftist/RAT shill mouthpiece. That's why they are circling the drain.