Blumenthal isn’t making sense here. Is he saying that Rove worked with Mapes and her production people to feed the bogus docs to Rather? Or is he saying that Rove somehow baited the Mapes team, through a string of slippery proxies and back-alley conduits, with forged memos that any high-school freshman could figure out were fakes?
It doesn’t make sense either way. Blumenthal sounds like a moron.
By the way, I once read that Blumenthal is a wife beater.
The way I see it, Rather has coerced Blumenthal into public statements in Rather’s defence, on threat that Blumenthal will be exposed for some other piece of dirt that Rather has on Sydney.
Realistically, Rather is a spent workhorse to the national level Democrat power structure. They have no need to push this upon Blumenthal except out of a revenge/spite scenario to humble Blumenthal for destroying one of the democrat media cadre’s pillars.
So Blumenthal worked up the best scenario he can pass off to the lowest common denominator of fringe Democrats to make sure he complies with Rather’s demands, and he made patently absurd arguments so Blumenthal’s peers would understand he was feeding red meat pablum to the uneducated ideological twit masses that are their bread and butter base. So no one with real power would actually believe Blumenthal lost his mind, ‘those statements were obviously not meant to be taken serious.’
..... and I read somewhere that Sid Vicious is a self-hating homosexual who pleasures himself in public restrooms but cannot get a date, not even with Nancy Pelosi’s favorite gay mafia poster-boys for depravity in S.F. /SARCASM
(just kidding, Sid Vicious, everyone knows you enjoyed vicarious pleasure over Bill Clinton’s heterosexual romps)