I live in Bakersfield. I tried watching the City Council meeting last night but couldn’t hold back my gag reflex.
Bakersfield is gone and is close to becoming unlivable.
Noone cares.
what do you mean by “gone...”
Can you add some description to that?
I know what’s happened to the San Fernando valley where my folks still live in the house I grew up in, but a description of Bakersfield before and after helps.
A few months ago, my childhood friend’s mother (my friend is long gone of course; haven’t seen him in 15 yars) sold her house to move to a retirement community. It was a nice corner house I’d spend countless hours in during the late 1970s. Nicely trimmed, and watered yard. Painted. Clean. Leave it to Beaver etc.
Of course, a Hispanic family bought it—or several families.
Immediately, for some reason, they just began digging up the yard and planting trees and bushes like every 5 feet; randomly and ceased taking care of the grass—just random bushes of various kinds all over the yard. They moved a bench out to the front porch and several of them sit out and stare at the street at night...I guess they don’t have a television, and I doubt they can read.
And several piece of sh!t cars now litter the street (+ a couple in the driveway)...
It’s being converted from a home into a Mexican Barrio city-farm.
At this point, what can you do but laugh. Looks like complete sh!t though. I mean...it looks like SH!T.
When you die you’re going straight to heaven because you’ve already served your hitch in hell. BAKERSFIELD!
Where’s the fence?