Simply do the math.
4.5 years is 1642 days.
35% of Iraqis would be 8,750,000
8,750,000/1642 would be 532 Iraqis killed every day for the last 4.5 years.
OBVIOUSLY that is a lie.
8,750,000/1642 would be 532 Iraqis killed every day for the last 4.5 years
The article didn't state 35% were killed. The article said 35% were "dead, maimed or refugees". The number of refugees alone could be more than 4 million.
I have not seen numbers for the Iraqis maimed but it is clear that a significant number of Iraqis are maimed for each one that dies in terrorist attacks.
Whether the 35% is correct is impossible to know accurately, but the number could be close to this range.
Simply do the math.
4.5 years is 1642 days.
35% of Iraqis would be 8,750,000
8,750,000/1642 would be 5328 Iraqis killed, maimed or made a refugee EVERY day for the last 4.5 years. OBVIOUSLY that is a lie.