Really welcome to FreeRepublic. Really, I (maybe others will) won’t hold your very first post in FR against you. Really, if you have an IQ of 110 or better, you may learn something. Really, when you do, please join in.
Yes, I guess evil can be interesting to some people.
As for managing to succeed, succeed at what?
Alienating his countries abroad supporters by flaunting his disrespect of U.N mandates?
Alienating his countrymen by having a regime so oppressive that music can get you arrested?
Setting his country up for war with the only remaining superpower in the world?
If that's succeeding then let me fail.
Secondly COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY is one of the greatest place in the world nowadays an oasis for people ABLE TO THNIK to produce this energy with reason.
Columbia University students may be some of the brightest in the world but many of them have been seduced by the leftist tradition of hating all things American.
Columbia University executives and staff have already told the world what they think of the War on Terror and the USA just by inviting this scumbag egotistical dictator to speak. By the president of the college stating that they would have Hitler speak if he was still alive.
Thirdly this whole hustle around Ahmadinedjad is political really.People forgot who they are they think thay are centre of the Universe???If something destroyable happen to our civilization nothing will be left after us.The future generation will have no sign of who we were.
Now, what civilization do you speak of? Western civilization? Eastern civilization? Muslim civilization?
Or just ALL civilization?
For the people of Earth, we ARE the center of the Universe. Until positive proof is revealed stating that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe, Humankind IS the center of the Universe.
Do not forget that the Jewish religion,the Muslim religion and the Christian one are from the same source,they have common roots so it is unforgivable to be speculated further on this.
Don't EVEN go there.
Jewish and Christian religons are from the same source. Christianity is an offshoot of Judiasm.
The Muslim religon deosn't come from either Judiasm or Christianity or from the same source as either of the other two.
Really they will be no peace for no one until these 3 religions will not take the hands off each other-without prejudices,without speculations,without missunderstanding....
Let me ask you something, when was the last time you can state that there were Jewish or Christian terrorists with the aim of taking over the world, by force if necessary?
When the Muslim religon, as a whole, learns that the "do to your neighbor the same you want to be done to you........................" is a good thing then maybe, MAYBE, the three religons can sit down and have a civil discourse.