To: Kaslin
forget rudy he’s inconsequential - FR handwringers should note #2 and look at the proportiuonality of the FR vote (against non members) and ask themselves if Fred blows it....will you all plug your noses and vote for him after towing the party line in the last election and not throwing away yout vote in protest to the way weve been ignored by the party
(9/9) Who do you support for president?
Fred Thompson
Ron Paul
Duncan Hunter
Mitt Romney
Rudy Giuliani
Tom Tancredo
Mike Huckabee
John McCain
Sam Brownback
To: Revelation 911
Mr. Paul will not EVER be the Republican candidate. It will not happen. Conservative voters, nationally, will have nothing to do with him— I don’t care how high he is in this FR poll.
12 posted on
09/22/2007 5:50:31 AM PDT by
Clara Lou
(Kill the Terrorists. Secure the Borders. Give Me Back My Freedom. FRed Thompson can do it.)
To: Revelation 911
orget rudy hes inconsequential - FR handwringers should note #2 and look at the proportiuonality of the FR vote (against non members) and ask themselves if Fred blows it....will you all plug your noses and vote for him after towing the party line in the last election and not throwing away yout vote in protest to the way weve been ignored by the party FR is NOT reflective of the Republican electorate. We represent a very narrow sub-section.
15 posted on
09/22/2007 6:06:51 AM PDT by
(Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?)
To: Revelation 911
You really think a FR poll is a true reflection of the American population opinion ?
Bro' put the Ron Paul bong down
16 posted on
09/22/2007 6:08:26 AM PDT by
(Nothing + Time + Chance = The Universe ---------------------Bridge in Brooklyn for sale - Cheap)
To: Revelation 911
Ronpaul is a kook who is a sacrificial annode for useful idiots.
Useful Idiots who historically are weak in mind to be subject to diversion and mental tricks of the enemy.
18 posted on
09/22/2007 6:14:47 AM PDT by
(VOTE! and
To: Revelation 911
L.Ron will never be the nominee, but to answer your hypothetical question: F**k no.
38 posted on
09/22/2007 9:22:07 AM PDT by
(Cleveland Indians: AL Central -2)
To: Revelation 911
48 posted on
09/22/2007 6:43:09 PM PDT by
Extremely Extreme Extremist
(Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt presidential candidate to ever run for office) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson