you cant legislate morality
So, are you truly arguing that we should have immoral laws? Correlation between moral and civil codes does not make a theocracy.
When morality and civil law conflict or coincide, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, or (God forbid) atheists, have every right to fight it out in the civil arena. Your oft-repeated statement is not only sloppy logic; it is a call to cowardice.
Not immoral laws. But you cannot dicate with laws personal morality issues. Yes you can legislate a basic moral code like no murder, no robbery, but you cannot legislate people’s private lives from a federal level. Until you change people’s hearts and minds, you are wasting your time.
Sorry if that sounds cowardice to you but it’s cold heart reality. And how is it cowardice to change people’s hearts as opposed to simply passing legislation that most people won’t follow? Which is harder...pass a bill or get out in the community and work to change people’s hearts by telling them the truth of the gospel? Trust me, as a youth pastor in an urban church, it was far harder to change the hearts of kids who grew up in one parent homes and drug dealers on street corners than simply sit in a office on the Potomac and have an aide write a bill. I counted myself blessed when the girls in my group didn’t end up with babies themselves or the boys didn’t end up in gangs or on a slab in the morgue. I’m willing to bet that I changed more hearts and minds through the church than any politician in any legislative body.