I wouldn't suggest that at all. Blackwater can provide security services to the Iraqis, the State dept or even our military forces. I just don't think we need to set a precedent of using mercenaries to do our fighting. So, I'd say they shouldn't be used as snipers or in any offensive operations. Defensive is OK.
Sniping isn’t security work.
Sometimes defensive operations become a bit agressive, but that’s the way it is.
I have no problem with Black Water, they provide a needed service over there that frees up out troops to go out and kick some ass in planned offensives.
If anyone has links to "planned ops" by Black Water, I would love to read them.
Blackwater employees are not mercenaries. They take an oath of loyalty to the Constitution.
That being said, I would also like to see a larger military doing these sorts of jobs, but that is highly unlikely to happen as it would require greatly increasing the overall size of the military and the numbers on the ground in Iraq. Just imagine the screaming from the Dems and their minions in the press.
In fact, the squalling Dems are the main reason Blackwater has become a such large company with a huge presence in our conflicts overseas. Contractors can, to a larger extent than military forces, “fly under the radar,” since they are more or less ignored by the MSM. For example, one has to dig around a bit to find out how many Blackwater employees have lost their lives in Iraq, while one can get the latest military body count in seconds from any news outlet.