To: metesky
If the student has a severe enough allergy, it could be a real issue. Unfortunately, there are a lot of whiners who exaggerate their sensitivity, which makes it harder for the people with real problems. Sometimes, hard-core problems like these accompany those with physical disabilities.
The school should find another student for her to work with.
6 posted on
09/16/2007 5:01:32 AM PDT by
Dr. Sivana
((Not a newbie, just wanted a new screen name... heh, heh, heh))
To: Dr. Sivana
If the student has a severe enough allergy, it could be a real issue.
BS. The allergies would be aggravated at all times by real world conditions.
This same kid will be kicking it in bars when he's 21 and will handle it just fine. This teacher was fired because of out of control anti-tobacco zealotry. Anti-tobacco zealotry should be classified as a legitimate psychiatric disorder and those suffering from it should be involuntarily committed.
23 posted on
09/16/2007 11:32:10 AM PDT by
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