Sadly, we have a rat house and senate nationally. I dread to think of what such a package would look like coming out of there.
Mitt Romney worked with a rat house and senate and was still able to cut spending, balance the budget, stop pro-abortion legislation, stop anti-gun legislation, and put together a fairly conservative healthcare plan. He’s got the experience necessary to be a great President.
Mitt Romney worked with a rat house and senate because he ia a RHINO and was still able to cut spending, by raising fees stop anti-gun legislation, by signing the AWB and put together a fairly conservative healthcare plan
You don’t know what Conservative means, we are not Liberals He’s got the experience necessary to be a great LIBERAL President.
You speak with fork tongue!
Your denying he signed the AWB, raised fees to cover the budget, and Romney Care is not Liberal?
If you are, you need to remove your head from.....your