Your a contradictory bloke, Axlrose, you know. You slag Britain off as a recent ‘lost cause’ ‘a great nation fallen’ in one post and then in the next, you bash the UK citng examples in history as far back as WW2, WW1 and the Napoleonic era. So tell me, mate, at what juncture in the Axlrose history of the United Kingdom (now available in paperback) did the UK collapse? Was it about the time that the Beatles split, heralding a surrender to Muslims (trust me folks, Axlrose will find a way to link the two!). Was it when the the ethnic minorities in Britain snuck past the 8% mark, plunging the UK into sectarian warfare, its citizens running to the nuclear fall out shelters?
The brilliance of Axlrose’s theory is that it seems to not be intruded upon by reality at any stage. The presence of the UK as the sold US ally still committing troops on the frontlines in Iraq and Afghanistan is an optical illusion.
Everyone here likes the UK even axlrose. We’re just very worried about your Muslims and Europe’s Muslims. The mosques are full and churches are empty. Muslims have their explosive birthrates subsidized by insane social welfare programs
The vile Spaniards who rule Mexico push their unwanted into the United States but at least they aren’t Muslims