To: NapkinUser; Travis McGee; stephenjohnbanker
Free traitors deeply saddened.
We aren't being invaded from Canada, are we? Should Mexico get their priorities straight and stop aiding, abetting, and promoting La Reconquista, perhaps we could have a serious discussion about cross-border trade.
At one time, for a couple of decades during the nineteenth century, the U.S. and Mexico were great allies, and not in the "Good Neighbor, Guest Worker League of Superfriends" sense.
To: governmentstillsucks
“Should Mexico get their priorities straight and stop aiding, abetting, and promoting La Reconquista, perhaps we could have a serious discussion about cross-border trade.”
And not until.......Calderon just gave Americans the middle finger!
311 posted on
09/11/2007 8:34:10 PM PDT by
( Hunter/Thompson/Thompson/Hunter in 08! "Read my lips....No new RINO's" !!)
To: governmentstillsucks
Should Mexico get their priorities straight and stop aiding, abetting, and promoting La ReconquistaThanks. I was looking for this.
460 posted on
09/11/2007 11:00:34 PM PDT by
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