You are correct that the theory of evolution is a theory.
But you are incorrect if you think that there are other competing theories within science.
Creationism and ID are not scientific theories, as much as their proponents may claim that they are. They are just the latest attempts to try to get their religion taught in public schools. So far, these attempts have been rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court (creation "science") and by a U.S. District Court in Pennsylvania (intelligent design).
They are scientific theories (whether you may want to argue on the merits is another topic; your personal preference, I would argue only on the merits, but then again it difficult to do rather than spew out adhominim fallacies..).
I would respect you more, if you were honest and just admit that you don’t believe that creation science holds up under the weight of emirical evidence (though I would argue othewise..), rather than relying on the trite and frankly old darwinist idea that creation “science” isn’t really scientificly based..
(Some of the origins of this theory are religious-supernatural in nature- yet we aren’t testing religion (God): we are testing empirical (or rather forensic) scientifically empirical evidence for/against both macro-evolution and creation theory and intelligent design theory)..So will you argue your point rather than trite adhominim attacks..! ????