I have been to the memorial at night and no one was defacing it with a squirt bottle. Therefore the discoloration observed bust have been spittle by mutant lizards from planet twelve.
How many other sites of vandalism are you going to blame on lawn equipment?
I'm blaming nothing on anyone. And "vandalism" assumes facts not in evidence.
Why are you defending this desecration?
I' not defending anything. If this was an intentional act, than nail the person who did it. But "desecration" assumes facts not in evidence.
Above is a picture of a man using a weedeater. It should make it clear to you where the gas / oil mix is and where the damage has been done. How can you reconcile your argument based on this information that appears new to you.
Therefore the discoloration observed bust sic(must) have been spittle by mutant lizards from planet twelve.
Your new "explanation"?