....for I am sure that there will be a couple of Vets who would love to discuss the matter with them....
I suggest we check Kos and DU. I suspect someone over there would brag about it.
I’ve had with these folks,,I’m done
....for I am sure that there will be a couple of Vets who would love to discuss the matter with them....
There are more than a couple of vets...hundreds of Freepers, thousands of everyday people...I’m mad enough to spit nails.
My POW’s name is on that wall. I have heard nothing but good things about him from the people that knew him. He was a fine, fine man...and not just him, but all of them.
My POW Fred has never been accounted for and for all I know he could still be alive and living in captivity for all these years.
The scumbag that did this not only dishonored Fred and all of the men on the wall, but every vet in this country. There is a good chance one of his/her ancestors was a veteran. What a way to honor the men and women that gave their all for the country that gives them the freedom to even HAVE an opinion.
Sorry for the ramble...I am throughly disgusted.
***The cowards who did this had better not e-v-e-r, never, tell anyone that they did it, or boast about it, or utter a peep, or do anything else that will give away their identity......***
Since Friday, they’re probably on their computers hoping to see some publicity about their treasonous work. But, they WILL talk. They can’t help themselves.
A couple of Vets? A couple million, maybe, of us, who lived, and revere the Wall. Just let me know, I'll leave the Keys in the dead of Winter to confront those (deleted).
...me being one of them.