Brit talks about the fact that he doesn’t understand why Mitt is just not breaking out...he is handsome, well spoken, conservative, has proven leadership skills, etc., but is just not clicking overall. I don’t think Mitt did all that well in the last debate, and there is something about him that gives me pause and I can’t put my finger on it either.
Kristol talks about how McCain is making a “surge” and I think he is correct. McCain did well in the debate and is by and large the best on the war on terror in the debates and is willing to put all on the line to ensure victory. I really like that about McCain, but he is not my candidate overall (I don’t have on yet), but his stance, substance, and defense of the WOT in excellent.
We think so alike it's scary.
While I would certainly support Mitt were he the nominee, he just doesn't come off as genuine as Fred from my standpoint.
Well, a lot of it is the fact that Romney is a very good campaigner and maybe not so much a very good candidate, considering his liberal past. He has to pour a lot of resources and intensive work into making his gains, which he is doing in Iowa and New Hampshire. The result is gains in those areas, while his message doesn’t resonate well in the rest of the country.
I concur with your views about Mitt. He is trying to spin his views for the viewing audience where he appear. His views on Iraq & citing GAO report & another liberal think tanks will not bode well.
On another point, I thought Carl Cameron was trying to change gay marriage debate - saying as if it is leagl & Republicans trying to ban it. Truth is on the other side - MSM trying to redefine marriage.
To me, he comes across as too oily, too smooth, too pre-packaged, not really genuine. Somehow he just doesn't seem to inspire trust - I'm not really sure that what he is saying is what he believes or if he is just saying things he thinks I want to hear.
Me too, Laverne. He's clearly the best problems solver but he seems to think too much before speaking. He's really careful with what he says, and I sometmes don't feel I'm hearing his true feelings. I'd like to hear it from the hip.
Does that about sum it up?
This is similar to my reaction to Mitt. While he is a talented business leader, he seem to lack passion for the human side of politics and I think this is an essential missing ingredient. The US--and the world--don't need a venture capitalist turnaround specialist, we need a visionary conservative.