So the idea that the president should take marching orders from the Constitution is embarrassing? The idea that we should cultivate peace and harmony with all nations, and not harbor habitual hatred or fondness towards other nations, as George Washington put it, is embarrassing?
No, not at all.
What's embarrassing is not standing up and taking action against those who wish (and actively try) to destroy the United States. Thomas Jefferson stood up to them. Why shouldn't we do so now?
Ron Paul says we should stop immediately and bring all troops home from the middle east completely. Not only would this directly result in genocide, but any friends we have over there would be gone. I certainly wouldn't call taking the attack to the enemies of the nation, only to abandon the non-combatants, "cultivate peace and harmony".
It's certainly not "conservative" to advance a policy where our nation would quit the War on Terror in a weak and ineffectual way, when what we need to do is show "peace through strength".
Ron Paul is running an anti-war, idealistic (and unrealistic) political campaign in the middle of a battle our country pledged to win, and he is vowing defeat. THAT is embarassing. And you should be embarassed to support it.