And then within the last two years all the labelling from big corporations like P & G switched to bilingual so I can't even figure out how to use the HE detergent. For now I'm keeping that third world garbage out of the house, but...
And now I see more and more clothing with the three languages of the NAU, it appears too late.
The corporations drive the country after all, and we are just collateral damage to be run over by more drunken illegal aliens or truckers. And most people are still asleep at the wheel or eating their Ding-Dongs or I don't know what.
I suppose we are going to have to get used to being nothing in this new 3rd world america. Right now we are just a wallet for Mexico. Our country has allowed the global community to take away the greatness of the US. We have had our eyes wide shut for too long. Maybe the confusion is there is no turning back. The reason no one wants to see it is they know they don't have any power. Or maybe the investment of mental and material resources keeps people from wanting to involve themselves with a solution.
You know, it may not be too long before the subjects we discuss are about survival in a third world cesspool.
I am sick about what the next five to ten years will bring.
You and me both. I try not to be outwardly down about it. It is just always there. Especially when I pinpoint good times in my life in a great country, the USA.