Well at least he never marched in pro-homo parades with NAMBLA activists only a few steps behind...
Actually, the political season might have been a factor in ‘Judge’ Hanson’s ruling, KNOWING that he would be certain to be criticized by nearly all conservatives and presidential candidates, which combined with accolades from the homo-activists, could most likely be parlayed into some big bucks, maybe an appearance on Larry King, Oprah, etc., book deals?
Yep, it was all about Robert Hanson, nothing more, nothing less.
What do you mean by pro-gay? He wasn’t in favor of gay marriage.
Well I don’t know none of ‘em. I am not a Mormon-but know a few-some of their beliefs and acts are commendable.Some
are like them “golden plates” impossible to prove. Having said this I could vote for a pious Mormon before I could vote for any godless Democrat—and I find most Republicans of late have attempted to act every bit as corrupt as the
Democrats,while professing to be moral Republicans -they act like the abomination known as Democratic politicians.