"Ordinarily, campaigns have their legal, finance or research staffs run the names of major fundraisers -- also called "bundlers" because they deliver checks to candidates in bunches -- through public records such as newspaper clips, court filings and government databases to identify problems. Some controversies still slip through."
Oh. So we may expect a similarly understanding attitude when the WP runs across a Republican fundraising FUBAR? . . . Riiight!
Three days after the Hollwood Gala of Aug. 12, 2000, Hillary, through her lying weasel spokesman Howard Wolfson, claimed she was shocked that Peter Paul had a felony record. They knew nothing about the Cuban Coffee Caper that ripped off Fidel Castro. They missed the vet. Well, you liars, Peter had already been vetted six times by the Secret Service. You didn't miss anything; you just wanted the money. That is what you always do.