Of course I do. But where did that money come from? Your customer! YOU aren't paying that money.
Look, what if you didn't have to send a check to the IRS? Wouldn't you charge less for your product or service? Meaning, of course, that your customer, not you, was paying that tax.
All you're doing is forwarding their money to the IRS every quarter. It's the price of being a legitimate business.
Oh, keep in mind that under the Fair tax, the criminals and illegals won't be collecting the tax on their products and services. So they'll end up cheating that tax system, too. Do you, for G-d' sake see that?
Do you see a difference in the out of pocket tax payments between a citizen and an illegal? There IS a difference.
Under the FairTax there will be none. Since everyone has to buy stuff from time to time. As a citizen I won't have to write checks to the gov't quarterly. I'll be just like an illegal, I'll only pay when I buy something.