The Surpoeme Court did not, and cannot wreck right and wrong. They just condoned and underwrote a wrong...that does not make it right.
That's what the segregationists said after Brown V. Board
The Supreme Court did not, and cannot wreck right and wrong. They just condoned and underwrote a wrong...that does not make it right.
"-- This is an example of the trouble the law gets into what it attempts to criminalize a tool or means of a crime instead of, or, at least as well as, the criminal behavior itself.
So we attempt to make guns illegal to prevent gun violence instead of concentrating on prosecuting the violence itself.
We criminalize public Intoxication and possession of illegal drugs rather than prosecuting the antisocial behavior which they might produce.
We go one step further with drugs when we criminalize the possesion of paraphernalia because the possession of the stuff might lead to the use of drugs which in turn, might lead to antisocial or criminal behavior.
I suppose we must ultimately stop this chain of causation when we get to Original Sin. -- "
Jeff, the Supreme Court did not "condone" the sin of sodomy. -- They said that a State cannot criminalize that practice, -- any more than State/local gov'ts can criminalize our right to own & carry arms.