I lean toward ‘he delegated’ ... a presidential campaign is a very convoluted process and he cannot be held accountable for every error his underlings make. Sorry, can’t agree with this smear. Now, if Romney’s desire to aid the homosexual community in gaining powewr in politics is somehow involved, well that is a different perspective altogether. Romney’s favoring degenerates in Mass was purely political pandering because there are so many powerful degenerates in Mass (with Kennedy or Franks or other notorious names), IMHO. I always questioned the Bushes retaining homes in that state of degenrates. If it weren’t for the power of PC, the per capita of degenerates in Mass would be an interesting statistic, and especially politically powwerful degenerates like Kennedy and Franks.
The Bush vacay home is in Kennebunkport, Maine.
Kennebunkport is in MAINE!