OK: The arguments you make are not entirely assinine, except for the parts where you reference public opinion as being your source of wisdom on military and foreign policy matters.....
“Do Ron Paul supporters support military nation building police actions in remote parts of the world? No, most do not. We are now in the process in Iraq of building up a country that has adopted Sharia Law and the Koran as it’s foundational basis in law. One that has close ties to Shia Iran, thus Hezbolluh. If Islamists are our fundemental enemy then what we are doing is unconscionable. We have stupidly created a super Shia Islamic alliance between Iran Iraq and Syria in the heart of the ME.
We have neglected our primary mission in Afghanistan to capture or kill those responsible for 9/11. The resurgence of Afgani heroin imports are once again flooding Europe. The Taliban had stopped this flow of drugs to the rest of the world. Our lack of resolve there has destabilized Pakistan and put the possibility of a nuclear armed Islamic theocracy closer to reality then anything happening in Iraq or even Iran. We have ignored the complicity of Saudia Arabia in financing the terrorists who perpetrated 9/11 and see on our television George Bush holding hands and strolling in the garden with one of the major backers of Wahhabism in the world. Our other “axis of evil” participant, Korea, is given the Carter treatment by this administration. Our open borders are an open invitation to terrorists and other criminals who wish us harm. So the question should not be why Paul supporters do not support this administrations foreign policies, but why 29% of the American people still do.”
We live in a world that glorifies and indeed demands instant results. Fast food, faxes, text messaging, e-mail, instant coffee, microwaves...
The fact of the matter is that nobody...not you are I and especially not the power hungry left wing Socialists who have staked their political future on American defeat...know how this Iraq invasion/experiment will turn out.
We’ll know for sure in 25 years. If Iraq become a Shi’a theocracy and a puppet state of Iran, it was a miserable idea. If Iraq become a shining beacon of freedom that causes the citizens of other autocratic and theocratic Mid East regimes to aspire to their Iraqi neighbor’s status, then George W. Bush, the president not the FR poster, will have his face carved in Mount Rushmore.
Islam is incompatible with western ideals of freedom.