WShat the speculative class is more concerned about is saving they hides, not the home owners. Let the market work it self out. And as for lowering rates inflation is still a key worry and said rate cut would be counter to teh goal of controling it.
What is the so-called 'speculative class'? Sounds like a bunch of class-envy BS. Most people who are hurt are the homeowners and the financial institutions stuck with the bad notes. The mortgage companies who wrote the questionable notes and fudged some of the numbers are going out of business and good riddance for the most part.
Let the market work it self out. And as for lowering rates inflation is still a key worry and said rate cut would be counter to teh goal of controling it.
If the fed plays it stupid, inflation will be the least of its worries. The fed needs to cut rates to avoid a more serious recession. Most these plans floated by Democrats are nothing but band aids that won't do squat.