That's the herd panicking. A downturn in defense stocks in reaction to a collapsing housing market is irrational panic on the part of the herd. There is little real connection between the two markets. You make money by observing the herd and generally doing the opposite. When the herd realizes its mistake, the defense stocks will recover and money will be made by the anti-herd.
A downturn in defense stocks in reaction to a collapsing housing market is irrational panic on the part of the herd. There is little real connection between the two markets. You make money by observing the herd and generally doing the opposite. When the herd realizes its mistake, the defense stocks will recover and money will be made by the anti-herd.
Bump to all that. There is so much EMOTION involved in the stock market and ignorance to cyclical patterns in the overall economy that it borders on ridiculous. Booms (or bubbles) don't last forever.