No problem.
One training day was just terrible. Nothing was going right, so by quitting time I was just in a very foul mood. On my rear windshield I have a sticker that says “Combat medic”, and somebody must have thought that was interesting, because as I was sitting at a red light the car next to me rolled down his window. “Are you in the military?” he asked, not noticing my ACUs. “Yeah,” I replied, wary because I’m in Seattle, a liberal hotbed. “Thanks for everything you do,” is what he said. And with that, that crappy day flipped a 180, and I was sporting a smile all the way home.
Bless that man for honoring you and for what you have done for our country. I guess we just don't realize what a small word of kindness can do for someone. I Praise God for all our servicemen and servicewomen. We have two Congressional Medal of Honor Men in our family and they have both passed away in the last five years. One from Iwo Jima and one from Viet Nam. They were so humble and honorable.