Actually, it's PERFECTLY constitutional, at least according to rulings by the courts, something that really pisses me off.
Here's how it works... They don't actually charge you with a crime, so your constitutional rights are not being violated. However, they DO "arrest" or detain your property. But since your property isn't human, it doesn't have any rights! That's how it works. Voila! Your property is gone. Of course, you can then try to get it back, in court. And the government will do everything possible to make it as drawn out, time consuming, and expensive as possible for you to get it back. In many cases, it will cost more to get it back than the original amount stolen.
“And the government will do everything possible to make it as drawn out, time consuming, and expensive as possible for you to get it back. In many cases, it will cost more to get it back than the original amount stolen.”
You mean that they handle it just about the same way as Castro would.
Sometimes I wonder if the American system of Government has deteriorated so much that it’s no longer worth preserving.