Is the mother also in the medical profession?
Not my family, not my child, but I do not understand ANY mother wanting to put a seven-month old baby in child care. I believe it falls under the “without natural affection” category in Romans chapter 1. That’s what I preach in our church, too.
Mom is the physician, and Dad is a researcher.
I notice something interesting, alot of career women today seem to be so, well, it’s hard to describe, but they seem to be lacking something, maybe it’s softness. This could be interpreted as a lack of a loving nature. It’s a little unsettling when you think about it or when you notice it. If you don’t know what I am talking about, then think Hillary Clinton, her type isn’t as unusual as one might think. As a matter of a fact, many women who will be voting for her have that same quality.
My Great Aunt Florence used to say “they need to stay at home and take care of those babies”. . but, oh, of course, someone else will say “but, the mother is divorced and HAS to work” or else, “they just can’t make it on one paycheck” or something like that. No, it’s true you can’t drive a Mercedes Benz and wear $15 pantyhose and stay at home generally. Another Biblical consideration in the “divorce epidemic” is all part and parcel of the “without natural affection - lovers of selves rather than lovers of God” sickness of today. Oh, and don’t forget that the feminists tell us that scriptural teachings on “wives submit yourselve unto your husbands” and “husbands love your wives as your own bodies” are stupid. Sound doctrine has been abandoned by Christian preachers and teachers in order to tickle the ears of their modern, feminist, liberal congregations. If their ears aren’t tickled and their lifestyles congratulated by a preacher, he’s history and replaced quickly by any one of the million others who will.
People now are stressed out and in a daze as a result of the self-important, materialistic, career worshipping excuses for lives a lot of them are living. - However, since I don’t know all there is to know about these two individuals, all I do know is that this is a tragedy and I pity them and pray for them.