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To: ican'tbelieveit

You wrote

“Posts, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 15, 17, 20, 29, 153 (I got tired of looking at all of them). The tone of their posts leads one to believe they are perfect, have never made a mistake in child rearing. Very nice Psychiatric analysis of people for expressing themselves as to the details of this tragedy. Not one of the above posters claim that they were what you have described them to be.

Then, you went on to castigate those posters by saying, that these posters are of the mindset that..

” these parents should be condemned to death.”

For you to try to make yourself feel more righteous by your imagination as to what others think and feel is abominable, considering we are talking about a tragedy here.

Prayers for the child in Heaven and for the grieving parents and relatives.

160 posted on 08/23/2007 11:30:50 PM PDT by Islander2
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To: Islander2

No, for you to castigate those who think that the holier than thou attitude is out of place is absurd. It’s abominable that conservatives fall into this trap that no parent can make a mistake without being crucified.

For goodness sake, we are conservatives, we believe in parents abilities, and we recognize human fraility, and that every conceivable action does not require a law or reaction to rectify or prevent it. Less government, right?

As conservatives we should be praying for this family, how horrific, instead we are coming on here and anonymously posting how horrible these parents are.

As conservatives we should be taking back America for the good of our nation by promoting, encouraging, welcoming stay at home moms (or parent). Making it so attractive that no one would refuse it.

Instead, we come on here and say things like “how could any mother forget her child.” I do not feel more righteous, I am disappointed in our reaction.

163 posted on 08/24/2007 12:39:56 AM PDT by ican'tbelieveit ((Join FreeRepublic's Folding@Home team (Team# 36120), KW:Folding))
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