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To: elli1
The woman is a pediatrician. Who is going to use her as their pediatrician now? The way the story is outlined, it doesn't make sense. It sounds like these people were more concerned with their careers as opposed to their child.

Prayers for this couple and baby.
135 posted on 08/23/2007 9:22:05 PM PDT by khnyny (The best minds are not in government. If they were, business would hire them away. Ronald Reagan)
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To: khnyny

The mother is a pediatrician. If she is so absent minded as to forget her child in a car, or not to double check that the child was dropped off at day care, I wouldn’t allow her to prescribe an aspirin for my child.

Apparently, some times these incidents are charged as crimes and sometimes not. There was a case here in L. A. a couple of years ago in which a university professor (dad) left the baby in the hot car and it died. No charges. But in another case, a mom left the kids in the car in the driveway, went inside and got plastered and passed out, and the kids died. She was charged with some sort of homicide.

Getting drunk and forgetting your child or getting involved in your work and forgetting about your child, either way, you negligently forgot the child and put your own needs above the needs of the child.

I really don’t get people who do this. My children are always foremost in my mind over anything else I’ve got going on during the day.

138 posted on 08/23/2007 9:37:32 PM PDT by californianmom
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To: khnyny
The way the story is outlined, it doesn't make sense. It sounds like these people were more concerned with their careers as opposed to their child.

I posted the link & excerpt in the interest of providing a bit more info about how the incident happened.

The dad is a researcher--I'm supposing he works fixed hours, like 9-5. The mom is a pediatrician at the facility and I'm supposing her hours are erratic & that she is 'on call'. So, it's highly possible that she had been called in to work because one of her patients was in distress. That scenario explains why she might have called her husband to meet her, park her car and why she would have thought that he would check the baby into the campus daycare.

166 posted on 08/24/2007 3:48:13 AM PDT by elli1
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