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To: pax_et_bonum
I often think God made me screw up so much just to make me a more empathetic person :-P About my theory, yeah, I believe that. I think it's the same reason why lefties are utopian dreamers. They just can't accept life as it is. They can't accept death. So they blame conspiracies, and tell themselves there's an earthly solution, if only...

With the judgers, it's the same thing. At least if someone is at fault, they don't have to face the reality that you can be a good person, minding your own business, and blammo, without warning, something can happen(a drunk driver? a bolt of lightening? cancer?) and turn your whole life to ruin. Who wants to deal with that? So they say "that guy was an idiot, he had it coming" and move on.

Humans are strange. We all need help.

122 posted on 08/23/2007 8:34:37 PM PDT by Huck (Soylent Green is People.)
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To: Huck
I often think God made me screw up so much just to make me a more empathetic person :-P About my theory, yeah, I believe that. I think it's the same reason why lefties are utopian dreamers. They just can't accept life as it is. They can't accept death. So they blame conspiracies, and tell themselves there's an earthly solution, if only...

With the judgers, it's the same thing. At least if someone is at fault, they don't have to face the reality that you can be a good person, minding your own business, and blammo, without warning, something can happen(a drunk driver? a bolt of lightening? cancer?) and turn your whole life to ruin. Who wants to deal with that? So they say "that guy was an idiot, he had it coming" and move on.

Humans are strange. We all need help.

What you said in this post is so true. It's a human's attempt to control, if I can blame someone else's tragedy on them or something they did, then I don't have to worry about it happening to me, and I "feel better" about life.

Once life beats you up a bit and you realize that control is an illusion, it's much easier to have compassion for those who experience tragedy in their lives.

Thanks for the post, you were "right on."

165 posted on 08/24/2007 3:45:40 AM PDT by dawn53
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To: Huck; pax_et_bonum
Pax, I think Huck is on to something. Although again, I stress that passing judgement on people is a good thing when you're passing the judgement in order to protect your own -- for example, being given a business proposition by a woman who has three different kids by three different fathers, one of them cruelly abusive, and where virtually everyone close to her suffers emotional pain becaue of her stupid decisions -- it's okay to acknowledge that and judge. Really. We all do it and we all MUST do it in order to thrive. We judge and say, "Nope, I don't want to get into a business relationship with that person because she's a proven chronic screw-up." That kind of thing -- whether or not to date a person, whether or not to trust a person, whether or not to take a person's advice. We all judge. It's a truth of life. The thing is, most of the time we keep it to ourselves (unlike so many on this thread). I think that what God is getting at is that we when we judge, we should hold ourselves to those same standards. By that guide, then, these people on this thread must have standards that mean they would never give themselves a break for an accident due to busy lives, and that's both stupid and sad on their part.

The high-and-mighty people who are so arrogantly critize these parents are doing, I think, just what Huck says. This was an accident, and life DOES have sharp teeth. Here's the deal: LIFE ISN'T FAIR. It never has been, it never will be, and no one, not God nor Jesus, ever said it WOULD be.

The bottom line: parents need to recognize and adapt Chuck Yeager's philosophy: The rules are made for people who aren't willing to make up their own. Parents who tell the Nanny State to go screw itself, parents who make up their OWN rules for keeping their children safe and who cart them around in the front seat, are the smartest ones. They are looking to their own houses -- and that's EXACTLY what all these self-righteous twits on this board who critizes these people should be doing. But they don't because it doesn't give them the illusion of being superior or safe.

175 posted on 08/24/2007 8:51:50 AM PDT by Finny (Only Saps Buy Global Warming)
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