Oh give me a break. I remember going over it in the church history course I took in the 80's. There is a very good article on it at lds.org right now too, just click here to read it if you are interested in the history.
I’m not trying to offend Mormons. They are fine people. However, I am a descendant of Mormons. I know my family history from my grandmother, Rebecca Maloney. She and her entire family had to flee Utah in the late 1860’s. Danites (under the authority of Brigham Young) tried to kill her father, Stephen Maloney three different times because he had gone through the temple ceremony, taken the blood oath, then refused to marry a second wife. Brigham Young himself had his eye on Rebecca’s oldest sister.
They lived in Provo. You can check them in the 1860 census. They fled in an Army wagon train after they reached the safety of the fort.
LDS members no longer do this sort of thing. But there’s no denying that it happened in the 1800’s. To absorb the truth of it, you have to read secular history books. The LDS church doesn’t come completely clean on this stuff.
Thank you for the link. Very interesting.