Sean Hannity Thread Eats 8/23/07
The chef is here. Good eats for everyone.
From Wikipedia: A bun is a sweet or plain small bread or a round roll. It can be consumed as-is, made into a sandwich, or designed to be cut in half and filled with ingredients. "Bun" can also refer to a kind of filled dumpling, such as Chinese baozi.
Cinnamon and Hot Cross Buns
Swedish Saffron and Honey Buns
Pain aux Raisins and Cherry Chocolate
Chinese BBQ Pork Buns and Baozi
Hi Honey Bun.
'La bonne cuisine est la base du véritable bonheur.' - Auguste Escoffier
(Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness.)
LonePalm, le Républicain du verre cassé (The Broken Glass Republican)
Very nice.
Those aren’t low carb, but look so YUMMY! LOL!