The media is making a mockery of out election system ... the office of the Presidency ... our nation. ... and like they cheered publically (like the freakin’ ragheads on 9/11) when Rove’s retirement was announced ... I swear I hear ‘em chuckling to themselves about this little circus.
The main stream media are, for the most part, mindless, little air heads who live on propaganda and lies to fuel their leftist agendas. So they cheered Rove’s retirement, so what? Rove is going to come back to bite them and the rest of the leftists shills in their puny little leftist @sses. I’m looking forward to the @ss kicking, myself!
Remember, perception is 90% of reality.
If they keep up all this she said/she said sh!t, the fact that real people are running for the office, and at least on the Pubbie side, are concerned about America and her Constitutional future ... we may see a TV extravaganza that will pull the rug out from under us.
I'm not afraid ... just p!$$ed.