That may be so but I’d like to know how you know that. Hunting is not that easy. Try it sometime and you’ll see what I mean. Also, their tools were primitive. And they didn’t live long either, so if they did eat that kind of diet, maybe that’s another reason they all kicked off so young.
Also, if this is true, I don’t really care what prehistoric man ate. I’d like to keep at least within the past few hundred years for sanity’s sake.
That may be so but Id like to know how you know that.
Check out Robert Ardrey’s book titled African Genesis.
Hunting is not that easy. Try it sometime and youll see what I mean.
I hunt. My first gun (besides the usual .22 was a .300 Wby built by Jesse Harpe’s gunsmith Herb back in the mists of time when I was in the 9th grade.
Also, their tools were primitive.
So is a bow.
And they didnt live long either, so if they did eat that kind of diet, maybe thats another reason they all kicked off so young.
Whacking lions and leopards on the head is inherently risky.
Also, if this is true, I dont really care what prehistoric man ate. Id like to keep at least within the past few hundred years for sanitys sake.
Consider how much genetic change can occur and become widespread amongst humans in a mere few hundred years.