A more salient question would be, "How many of the millions accountants, tax preparers and IRS employees would vote for someone who promised him or her he would eliminate his or her job?"
Before you answer, remember how many votes separated the winner of the last two elections.
If I were starting a new country, I would institute a Fair Tax but from a purely political standpoint, talk of a fair tax is a good way to energize your base.
But it ain't gonna happen. Ever.
“A more salient question would be, “How many of the millions accountants, tax preparers and IRS employees would vote for someone who promised him or her he would eliminate his or her job?”
Perhaps salient to your perspective, but not at all responsive to my question. Nearly all who benefit from the present tax structure will vote against tax change.
What I was pointing out, eviddently not clearly enough, is that I am of the opinion that the Joe Six Packs vastly outnumber the tax beneficiaries.