When I've used aggressive estimates in the past I've been told it is a pant load, etc. So I used the stuff it in your mattress figures. I am not sure what your argument is. Are you saying that the low ball figures of $12K to $25K doesn't amount to real money?
One can run the numbers using any online savings calculator and come up with some really impressive scenarios. A heck of a lot more than the figures I gave.
Let's not get too far away from the statement in question...
Black Birch: One reason she might be on a pole is Mom and Dad smoked her college tuition.
So, to get back to your point that Mom and Dad's little girl is pole dancing because Mom and Dad spent the money on tobacco...the numbers don't add up even if you use my generous figure of $40k. If they make enough money to pay for the other three years they can probably swing a private loan for the fourth. If they make so little that they can't afford three years of college they'll be out of luck if they saved $40k by not smoking because with that amount of money in the bank will disqualify them from getting a student loan.